Help employees take on entrepreneurial or associative challenges of their choice, mobilize your collaborators
You represent a human and skills resources division and you wish to help your collaborators in their personal or intrapreneurship projects, or you wish to promote and mobilize their ideas and know-how differently?
As an expert in providing tools for collecting donations and engaging with communities (votes, ideas boxes, challenges), Mipise allows you to have an immediately up-and-running and complete web infrastructure that includes a payment solution, management, graphic and editorial customization tools.
With Mipise, you can choose to build a collaborative platform ad hoc or to embed it within your existing website from our shared white-label technical solution. You will be able to introduce your actions and make your collaborators and other users aware of crowdfunding and/ or crowdsourcing campaigns (calls for donations, calls for volunteering, mobilizing non-cash donations, volunteering, skills-based sponsoring, votes, ideas boxes…) that you will publish and manage at your will.
Contact us to discuss your project and organization. We will also be able to support you in the graphic and editorial customization of your website and train your teams on online campaign management. Mipise guarantees full support and assistance from our technical team to insure that you do not have to worry about the technical implementation of your website and guarantees access to range of specific services and advice. This will allow you to focus entirely on helping and mobilizing your collaborators.
contact usIf you are looking to:
- help an employee’s entrepreneurial project (intra-entrepreneurship),
- help the associative or corporate project of an employee on a pre-retirement scheme or in the process of reconversion (donations, collection of ideas, votes etc.),
- support campaigns that you would have chosen,
- choose to engage collaborators around challenges, ideas, etc,
- participate in the company’s CSR policy,
- facilitate budgetary relocation between projects,
Mipise is the shared solution that will allow you to kickstart your project at reduced costs while integrating the best tools for your human resources missions (HR).
Mipise solution offers human and skills resources divisions the following:
- Partnership-based support in providing optimized services and digital tools,
- Simple tools to manage all operations from a single address,
- tools to design forms and campaigns,
- customizable templates,
- An integrated and entirely automated payment solution, if needed,
- matching contribution features,
- Responsive and multilingual management, additional pages in order to reach out to a broader audience,
- social networks sharing tools,
- Automated processes including the management of all mail notifications sent to users.
Crowdfunding platform
Activate and federate your community around crowdfunding projects (donation, loan, royalties, equity, ICO/STO).
Crowdsourcing platform
Solicit and engage your community around projects, ideas and challenges. Complete your crowdfunding offer.