- Customization of the project page’s tabsCreation, modification of the project page's tab - customization of different type of project
- Customization of the contribution processAbility to customize the contribution, donation, lending or investing funnel in CSS and MARKDOWN.
- Customization of emailsCustomization and management of the automatic notifications sent by email from your website.
- Extended user rights managementManage your users access and rights as SUBMANAGERS, BLOGGERS, partners, beneficiaries, ambassadors, intermediary business
- Header customizationAbility to customize your header in Markdown and CSS
- Footer customizationAbility to customize your footer in Markdown and CSS.
- Customization of contributors’ nameAbility to set up a name or an avatar for your contributors to enhance your community.
- Customization of errors pagesCustomization of error pages in MARKDOWN and CSS.
- Application page customizationAbility to customize your project submission funnel in Markdown and CSS.
- Customization of projects’ statistics iconsCustomization from the font-AWESOME icons library : https://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/
- Customization of the website’s widthCustomization of the website’s width without CSS.
- Customization of the website’s buttonsCustomization of the color and text website’s buttons.
- Homepage configurationPicture, video, slider, customization in MARKDOWN and CSS of the different homepage zone and titles, project listing, different project box models, press banner, partner banner, statistic banner, projects mapping, blog, project search tool.
- Management of menus and creation of customized pagesCreation of Menus and pages, customization in MARKDOWN et CSS, choice between different pages types (partners pages, contact pages, project walls pages...).
- Specific templates3 default templates + specific association template + specific obligation template.
Campaign management
- Creation of an exploration pagenewsletter registration tools - customization of the exploration page.
- Tags managementAbility to customize your tags in CSS and MARKDOWN
- Management of project categoriesCreation of customized categories.
- Minimum contribution threshold per projectAbility to set up a minimum contribution threshold per project.
- Alert settings for unsuccessful contributionsAlert settings for unsuccessful contributions, inviting your technical team to check if any user need assistance.
- MultilingualMultilingual mode, with text interface ready to use in english - ability to translate your customized pages and project in english - ability to add new langages.
- Short or complete submission process for project creation2 default submission forms can be used : a short one, through a contact page or a long one including a 5 tab forms for project owners.
- Customization of projects created by default (multi-product platforms)Ability to manage different type of projects (donation, presale, crowdsourcing, lending, shares).
- Customization of publication limitsAbility to set up a minimum number of contributors to allow the publication of a project on the project listings (homepage, and explore page).
- Display filtersAbility to display different kind of projects search filters on your homepage or explore page.
- Geo-tracking of contributorsAbility to set up a mapping of a project's contributors.
- Votes recorded in the blockchainAbility to certify a vote and guarantee that someone did a vote at a registered date. Those informations are public.
- Management of project editing and publicationAbility to open the project creation tools to project owners or let it only in the platform manager's hand - Video, pictures, texts, rewards and coutneparts management - fees management - widget - files downloading.
- Campaign oversightCampaign dashboard - financial tracking.
- Automatic closing of campaignsAutomatic transfer of the fund raised from backers, lenders or investors to the project beneficiaries accounts.
- Private campaignsAbility to set up private campaigns, not listed on the platform.
- Automatic management of refundsAutomatic management of refunds either by re-crediting a card or an ewallet when a campaign fails.
- Irreversible contributionAbility to allow backers of a reward-based campaign to choose if they want to confirm immediatly and unconditionaly their payment, without taking care of the campaign failure's risk.
- Crowdsourcing campaignCrowdsourcing campaign management: call for ideas, call for project, call for votes, call for volunteers, challenge...
- Secret rewardsAbility to set up secret or private and specific rewards.
- Votes with the imprint of a bank cardThis features can be set up to check the popularity of a project, and the chance to succeed in reaching its financial goal through a crowdfunding campaign.
- Simplified process for associationsAssociation's dedicated fund raising page – immediate donations – fully customizable
- Project juryAbility to compose a jury that will appreciate submitted projects. Each jury member can write comments, and send his evaluation to the manager before the project validation.
Animation and traffic control tools
- Settings on the moderation of project commentsAbility to set up the moderation mode for projects comments.
- Facebook pixelAbility to set up a FACEBOOK marketing campaign.
- GOOGLE ANALYTICS, referencing and GOOGLE TAG MANAGERGOOGLE web marketing and search engine tools management.
- Internal BlogAbility to plug a blog in your platform
- Newsletters and contact capture managementNewsletters and contact capture management.
- News managementAutomatic tools to send news to the contributors of a project.
- Marketing and customer relation toolsMIPISE can handle those API(s): CRISP- LEADFOX- HUBSPOT- MIXPANEL
- Customized SEO and beacons managementAbility to create dedicated tags (title and description) per each page instead of the automatically generated ones.
- Social networksFACEBOOK- LIKENDIN-TWITTER- GOOGLE. Ability to insert TWITTER's newsfeed
Platform revenues
- Management of tipsAbility to plug a tip-form in addition to the default fields of the contribution form. This is an efficient way to enlarge the revenues of a platform.
- Automized commissions managementAutomated payment management of commissions collected by the platform from the project initiator at the start of the campaign, the transaction or the success.
- Expanded commissions managementMany kind of fees settings.
Payment systems
- Fundraising on a STRIPE accountOnly for donation and unconditioned reward-based campaigns.
- Payment instrumentsCards - transfers - checks.
- Management of integrated paymentsntegrated payment system with individually assigned payment account - payment by card, bank transfer or check.
- IBAN and BIC codes for payement accountEach payment account has an IBAN and a BIC codes.
- Fight against terrorism and money launderingHighl security level and strong tools to fight against terrorism and money laundering(KYC).
- Account to account transferAbility to manage campaigns without going through the payment institution (manual incrementation of the gauge).
- CryptocurrencyFundraising in cryptocurrency (BITCOIN, ETHEREUM, LITCOIN) with automatic incrementation of the gauge.
Partners management
- Partners managementGestion de différents types de partenaires : partenaires presse ou partenaires projet (gestion de pages personnalisées, rétrocession de commissions automatisée, facturation).
- Management of a subscriber codePossibilité de saisir un code adhérent à la soumission d'un projet pour gérer les programmes de partenariats.
- Label managementPossibilité de rattacher un label sous forme de texte ou d'image à un projet - le label apparait dans la BOX du projet. Page personnalisable de description du label.
- Ambassadors managementDedicated ambassador space for contributors / investors (example: CGP, ...). Possibility for the ambassador to upload his own contacts - to manage his private clients - to receive commissions and visualize his clients turnover through a dedicated back end.
- Presentations of partner projectsAbility to promote a partner on a project box or projet page, or to create some dedicated pages, with a high customization level.
- Management of promotional codesAbility to apply discounts on counterparties amount or percentage.
Activity oversight
- Display of platform statistics in realtimeDisplay of platform statistics in realtime
- Platform dashboardActivity, financial and conversion tunnel indicators with 30-day conversion rate - indicator history - data extraction.
- Billing managementAutomatic invoices for project owners and beneficiaries, and for the platform manager.
- MIPISE news and online helpThis section is available in the back end to keep you up-to-date with the latest news + scalable online help system.
- Projects oversightContributors files - campaign management - financial summary - specific settings.
- Audit trailAbility to trace transactions one by one and the corresponding commissions. Ability to find a user by name, surname, username, email.
Multi-beneficiaries management
- Single-beneficiary managementPossibility of having a project leader (campaign leader) different from the beneficiary (payment account holder).
- Multi-beneficiaries managementPossibility to manage several different beneficiaries on the same campaign - the allocation of contributions is based on the country of residence - adapted to multi-country campaigns.
- Issuance of tax receiptsProvision of tax receipts in the personal space in the form of a PDF document or CERFA printed form. Ability to print all tax receipts of the same campaign.
- Taxation of loans and obligationsHelp with the management of tax declarations. Withdrawals and declarations at source.
Documents management
- Electronic signature and archiving of signed documentsSignature by sms code - digital archiving - automatic sending to an archive mailbox of signed documents.
- Invoice managementGeneration of PDF invoices-either individually or between two dates.
- Management of contract modelsManagement of a database of contract templates that will be generated automatically in PDF (with or without signature) - automatic merge of variables in contracts. Possibilities for advanced customization of contracts.
- Management of documents and contractual baseAbility to manage a document management database (subscription forms, contracts, investor agreement, etc.).
- Document management of a projectPossibility to attach to a project documents downloaded by the project leader with 3 levels of limited access: public / restricted access only to registered members / restricted access only to qualified users.
- Multi-signature management of contractsAbility to sign a contract with an unlimited number of signatures.
Donations specific features
- Recurring donationsPossibility of setting up recurring donations attached to a campaign. A campaign can also be mixed: with recurring and non-recurring donations.
- Duo campaignPossibility of launching two campaigns, one referring to the other: example donation campaign, coupled with a loan or Crowdsourcing campaign.
- Multiple classification of campaignsAll or nothing - on going fund raising.
- Rewards managementCustomization rewards management.
Loans specific features
- Recovery of loans and obligations deadlinesCalculation of amortization tables - automation of the collection of deadlines - collection and payment via payment accounts - follow-up of the next installments.
- Management of unpaid loans and obligationsReporting on outstanding payments - revival project leader - regularization of unpaid.
- Loans simulatorsFor loan or bond campaigns, lender and borrower simulator.
- Loans and obligations portfolioVisualization by the lender of its portfolio of loans and / or bonds.
- Additional contributions managementAbility to manage the matching of a partner on the various projects of the platform.
- Bonus managementPossibility of granting bonuses according to different modalities (welcome bonus etc.).
- API connection for loans aggregatorBranchement à crowdlending.fr
- Fiscal managementAutomation of the levies at source - possibility of opting for a levy exemption.
- Management of guarantee subscriptionsPossibility during the pre-campaign period to take guarantees by bank imprint or taking bond.
- Loans with interestsAbility to abandon interest.
- dData stream auditAudit tool for the smooth running of repayments of deadlines- detection of accounting and management anomalies.
Securities (shares and obligations) and Royalties specific features
- Securities reservation managementCampaign to reserve securities (shares or bonds) with the possibility of registering a card number.
- Restricted access to qualified investorsPossibility to limit access to a project only to investors qualified by the platform.
- Differentiated project accessProject and product access managed by the platform manager, depending on the risk profile of the investor.
- Securities campaign reserved to a private circle of investorsPossibility of investing in an equity or bond project without first being a qualified investor by the platform.
- Investor qualification processFor securities platforms, an investor qualification workflow - customizable questionnaire - possibility of electronic signature of customer agreements.
- Securities and investment process – escrow accountAutomated securities subscription workflow with electronic signature of the ballots - escrow on possible payment account.
- Customizable investor questionnairePossibility of having a personalized investor questionnaire.
- Tracking of exchangesTraceability and historization of exchanges (advice, mails) - Timestamping.
- Mandate managementAutomated management of mandates.
- Electronic signatureIntegrated electronic signature.